My Favourite bag for any occasion.

For so long I have tried to find a bag that I can wear for so many different outfits and style in so many different ways. I needed an affordable bag so luxury designer bags were off the table. I have purchased Claudia Canova bags before and have never been disappointed every one I have or have had I have loved and worn for so many different things and just never show a lot of wear. They are always so classic and are just the bags for me. I did hesitate for a long time about what one to buy as If I didn't restrain myself I would have a whole room full of these bags. I finally purchased the ‘Claudia Canova top handle mini grab bag in sand’ and was the best decision. The bag fits so much more than I expected and I can see everything as the zips open up so wide.

A struggle I did have was the final look of the bag I have realised I am so picky with the shape however this is just perfect whether using it as a handheld, shoulder or crossbody the bag sits beautfully and is so natural. The thick strap stops the bag falling off my small shoulders and doesn’t dig in for no matter how long I wear the bag for which I love.

The colour is spot on it makes it perfect for any season which I never thought I would find in just one bag. Furthermore the detachable strap makes it perfect for casual and dressy events meaning I won’t have to be purchasing bags for occasions just to wear once as they only go with that one outfit. This bag is so easy to style by just changing one item of clothing or accessories the bag can be warmed up or cooled down.

I am such a big fan of Claudia Canova and if you are looking for a bag I highly recommend looking here first either on their primary website or Asos.

Lots of love

Crossbody Claudia Canova bag asos highstreet handbag pink sandy strap summer spring autumn winter fashion fashionable style accessories clip stylish ootd versatile wedding daywear daytime evening

This Photo has been used as a link from Asos to purchase the bag


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